big network meeting 2025

big network meeting 2025

Fri 30.05.25, 15:00 -
Sun 01.06.25, 16:00

jarrestraße 20
22303 hamburg

start: 30.05.2025, 15:00 (CEST)
end: 01.06.2025, ca. 16:00 (CEST)

limited contingent for earlier arrivals on 29.05.2025: if required to reduce barriers, e.g. for early boarding or individuals taking longer journeys for arrival

registration deadline: 15.04.2025

Places no longer available!

fourth big network meeting:
staying in & with the trouble

Following our big network meetings in hamburg (2021), munich (2022) and dresden (2023), we are returning to hamburg for the fourth edition, this time at kampnagel. From 30.05. to 01.06.2025, our fourth major network meeting will once again offer much-needed opportunities for exchange and networking for those involved in artistic production. We invite you to hold spaces together that combine multiple perspectives and draw their strength from dialog.

In our past big network meetings, we have shared our time together in workshop, panel and informal exchange formats and dealt with current topics. With the new edition of the centerpiece format of our produktionsbande network, we would like to try to run selected aspects of work in and with artistic production in the independent performing arts in parallel as thematic lines and to work in the interface areas of these topics. Through this approach to our program design, we try not to approach the complex thematic lines as self-contained and separable units, but to consciously think them together because they are ultimately connected.

In times of rapid and multi-layered developments, our aim is to discuss our work at the intersection of different topics, professions and perspectives in an intersectional way and to take it into account as producers.

The content-related programme and the organizational framing of the large network meeting will be designed by a working group within produktionsbande - based on current discourses from the complex field of artistic production within the independent performing arts as well as on input from colleagues that we received from two public brainstorming sessions (#1: 12.03.2024, #2: 19.03.2024).

All further information about our big network meeting 2025 will be published here soon. If you would like to know when registration for this starts, please subscribe to our bandenbrief newsletter, which will keep you regularly informed about this and other produktionsbande offers.

We would like to thank the NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste and the Landesverband der Freien Theater in Sachsen for their support!

The big network meeting is aimed at protagonists in artistic production within the independent performing arts. We understand the field of artistic production in the broadest sense and see it as a collection of numerous and also interconnected focal points and activity profiles (including e. g. administrators, coordinators, production dramaturges, production managers, producers, company managers, managers, controllers, strategists, distributors, consultants, critical companions, etc.).

We understand protagonists of creative production in the independent performing arts as those who reflect on existing production processes and want to shape them anew or further. Against this background, we see the protagonists primarily as those who accompany production processes of artists and collectives, but do not primarily produce their own artistic practice.

friday, 30.05.2025
is dedicated to getting to know all participants of the fourth big network meeting of produktionsbande.

saturday, 31.05.2025
is dedicated to dealing with the selected troubles: generations in trouble, care in trouble, politics in trouble and transnational producing in trouble. For each of the four topics, there will be impulses in front of the entire group of participants. After the impulses, the participants then decide on one of the four thematic groups to focus on and work on together. After working in small groups, they present their interim results to the entire plenary in short impulses. Small groups are then formed twice more with the aim of participants taking their initial research topic to another small group and later presenting it to the plenary again in order to ensure an exchange in which all topics are interwoven.

sunday, June 1, 2025
attempts to transfer the topics and intersections discussed the day before to the produktionsbande network level and discuss the question together: To what extent can the topics and discussions influence the network work of produktionsbande and be further developed there together? What contribution can produktionsbande, as a network of and for producers in the independent performing arts, make to the shared work?

time table of the big network meeting: here

The big network meeting will be held primarily in German spoken language; there will be simultaneous translations into English spoken language.

In the form below we also ask for spoken languages (German, English, others). This request is further accompanied by another comment field, where you can specify additional languages or further information (for example: "I understand German spoken language, but I prefer to speak in another language myself"). In this way, we can collect information about which spoken languages are needed and whether we can fulfill existing translation needs (e. g., whispered translation) for example within the group of participants. So feel also free to indicate any languages you could/would like to support in the comment field in the language section in the below mentioned registration form.

If you have any questions about our big network meeting or if you wish to be put on our waiting list, please feel free to contact us via email. Please use the address with the subject "big network meeting".

The form for registering your participation in the big network meeting 2025 is complex. To break down the barriers that exist in the online registration process, we offer a call-based registration with the help of Sasha. Sasha (no pronouns/they) is part of the working group of the big network meeting. The following cell phone number has been set up specifically for the registration process and can only be reached for this purpose: +49 15161091642. Sasha can be reached via this phone on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

This will be your first big network meeting with produktionsbande? Maybe you've never been to a networking event before or haven't been for a long time? We invite everyone who has questions about the process, the way we organize our program or/and the vibe of the network meeting to our digital groove-in to get a clearer feeling about our format and the form of our get-together. The digital groove-in will take place on 13.05.2025 from 16:30 to 17:30. registration for the online groove-in: here